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Does improved credit flow lead to increased agricultural output?

Does improved credit flow lead to increased agricultural output? The following story is written by Jayanta Chakraborty, Economic Analyst, Arthashastra Intelligence Even after 73 years of independence, India as a country is still largely dependent on agriculture and allied activities for earning its daily bread – nearly 70% of the rural Indian population are absorbed …

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Impact of Covid-19 on the Indian Banking System

Impact of Covid-19 on the Indian Banking System This report has been authored by Akanshu Arora, Kritika Jayaraman, Dhruv Dhruv Kaliraman and Nikhil from Arthashastra Intelligence Foundation Contents The status of stressed assetsa. Stressed Assets Statistics Before Pandemicb. Stressed Assets Statistics During Pandemic Measures taken to address COVID-19 Effects on Banking System in Indiaa. BASEL …

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Smart Cities Project

Smart Cities Project The following story has been authored by Jayanta Chakraborty and Karishma Gupta, Economic Analysts at Arthashastra Intelligence National Smart Cities Mission is an urban renewal and retrofitting program by government of India with the mission to develop smart cities across the country, making them citizen friendly and sustainable. GOI has been releasing …

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IMPEX 2019

IMPEX 2019 The nation, a few months ago, witnessed reverse migration post the imposition of lockdown due to Covid. Using a variation of the Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX), India Migration Now has constructed Interstate Migrant Policy Index (IMPEX) to rank and compare #Indianstates on the basis of their migrant integration policies. IMPEX ranks states …

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